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Sophie has a Chariot

This would be so much better with pictures. Sorry – I don’t have any yet.

Angie, our friend and dog walker, salvaged a Chariot for Sophie. Now she can keep up with the rest of the off-leash dog group that Angie takes to one of several off-leash areas in Edmonton each day. I’m told that, at first, the other dogs spent a good deal of their walking time sniffing curiously at the red dog in the Chariot – no doubt wondering why she got to ride in style while Roxie, the other tripawd in the group, was off-leash terrorizing the rest of them. Maybe they thought it was a punishment – and wondered even more why Roxie wasn’t riding in there ! Apparently it wasn’t just the dogs who came over to see what was in the Chariot. Sophie attracted a great deal of attention at the dog park. Picture Angie with 9 dogs and pushing a Chariot with a big red dog riding like a 3-legged queen. Quite the picture.

After the first couple of walks/rides, Sophie has got the hang of this Chariot thing. Now she knows that she can hop in and out – and she spends a little more time out of it than in when she goes with the big group. She comes home very happy, very tired, and has dreams that make her paws twitch, her lips quiver and elicit high pitched barks. She is obviously dreaming about running and chasing something – the things that Sophie loves best.

Her Chariot has given her back some freedom. I can almost hear the Chariots of Fire theme song … and picture her hopping down the path in slow motion …

Hey – I think I have an idea for a video audition tape !

9 Responses to “Sophie has a Chariot”

  1. wow, we need some pictures!!! riding in a chariot, sounds great….followed by that glorious napping. sounds like sophie has some happening wheels!! pictures and video (?) please!!! gayle

  2. Chariots of Fire! That sounds like a great theme song and audition tape for Queen Sophie! She must look so regal…you definitely have to post pictues (especially the 9 quadpaws + tripawd – what a sight that must be!) And if you do a video maybe Smarty Pants Production can help :).

    I’ve been wanting to ask you about Sophie and how she’s been doing these days… I know you had some tough decisoins to make but it sounds like she’s doing pretty well – always a great thing!

    Keep on dreamin’ Queen Sophie!

  3. Yes. Smarty Pants Production! Comet. Comet. I so want to see some video or photos. Maybe other tripawds could have their pawrents make them chariots, too. anxiously awaiting media : ) Nancy (Opie’s mom…still)

  4. I’ll get pictures asap – and try to figure out the video thing … and I will most definitely consult with Smartypants Production !

    Sophie is doing well, thanks for asking. We had to decide whether or not to put her through chemotherapy. After weighing risks vs benefit – we agreed to try 2 to 3 chemo treatments – to see what, if anything, happened with the tumor in her lungs. She had her 2nd treatment this past Monday. Before they do the next one, they will repeat her chest x-rays, and whatever other tests she needs, to determine if the chemo is working or not. If not – we will not go through anymore. If it has slowed the growth of the tumor – or stopped the growth – we will continue with the series of 6 treatments.

    So far, she has not had any bad side effects (touch wood).

    I’ll keep you posted.

  5. Wish you all the best on this – we’ll be keeping our paws crossed that this chemo is working. So glad to hear that she hasn’t had any bad side effects either – that’s always a good sign. Yes, please keep us posted and I really pray that everything continues to go well for your Queen Sophie!

  6. Yes! Yes! Yes! Smartypants Production at your service!
    You know our motto: “We Add a Neat Beat to Your Feat!
    So post your pics and/or video and we’ll do the rest!

    I love the whole Chariots of Fire theme!! I feel my creative juices flowing!

    Cool Cat Comet –

    Founder and Leader of:
    Smartypants Productions

  7. Thanks, Comet (aka Cool Cat Comet) – I will get some video and pictures asap.

  8. Sophie, I am so happy you got a chariot. Just like in ancient Rome, only the highest class of people (and Tripawds) get to ride in a chariot. Now, all you have to do is get your Pawrents to get you some ponies to pull you around. That would be sweet!!! Plus, it would show everybody that you are so much more important than silly old four legged ponies.

  9. HA Ginger – Sophie would LOVE that – although she is a little bit afraid of horses – not that she would ever admit that to anyone ! – maybe some miniature ponies though…. hmmm …. great idea ! I like the way you think….

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